Education Links
- American Association of School Administrators
AASA represents the dreams, educational expertise and concerns of more than 13,000 local school system leaders throughout the United States.
- ASBO International
We are a professional and collaborative association dedicated to equipping our members with tools, resources, and services that promote the effective use of educational resources and best practices in school business management.
- Division of Professional Standards
The mission of the Office of Educator Effectiveness and Licensing is to establish and maintain high standards for licensing educators to work in Indiana's P-12 schools. In order to enhance the quality of learning that takes place in our schools, we must have qualified individuals preparing and delivering instruction to our students. Our division will accomplish this by working with higher education preparing programs and incorporating a sound license program based on professional development activities and training.
- Indiana Association of Educational Service Centers
Serving Indiana Schools and Communities since 1977
- Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents
IAPSS is a non-profit, professional association serving 425 members, including superintendents and other school administrators, professors of education, university students studying educational administration, and retired superintendents.
- Indiana CTO Council
The Indiana CTO Council, a collaborative group of Technology Directors, Chief Information Officers, and other leaders in Indiana K-12 educational technology, is dedicated to supporting and enhancing the professional growth of Technology Administrators and education leaders who use technology to improve teaching and learning. The Indiana CTO Council is the official Indiana state chapter for the Consortium of School Networking (CoSN).
- Indiana Department of Education
We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of support to Indiana’s schools, teachers, students and parents. We are working with educators, policy makers, business leaders, and community based organizations to achieve our mission to build an education system of equity and high quality that is focused on student-centered accountability.
- Indiana Department of Local Government Finance
The Department of Local Government Finance is responsible for ensuring property tax assessment and local government budgeting are carried out in accordance with Indiana law. The Department is charged with publishing property tax assessment rules and annually reviewing and approving the tax rates and levies of every political subdivision in the state, including all counties, cities, towns, townships, school corporations, libraries, and other entities with tax levy authority.
- Indiana Education Employment Relations Board
Indiana Code IC 20-29 outlines IEERB’s functions. In summary, the Indiana state legislature expects IEERB to provide direction and information regarding: Collective Bargaining & Impasse, Unfair Labor Practices, Education Employment Research, and Representation. The purpose of our website is to provide information and guidance about IEERB Board decisions and actions.
- Indiana General Assembly
The two houses of the General Assembly (House and Senate) were created at the time Indiana became a state in 1816. The current makeup of the General Assembly, consisting of 100 Representatives serving 2-year terms and 50 Senators serving 4-year terms, was established in the Constitution of 1851. The General Assembly met in alternate years until 1972, when it began meeting annually.
- Indiana School Boards Association
ISBA currently has membership of 288 Indiana public school corporations. As the voice of over 1,689 Indiana school board members, the Indiana School Boards Association is proud to be of service. ISBA represents community leaders who are entrusted with instructing and molding the kindergarten through 12th grade population of the state. The mission: to assist local school boards in their respective governance roles through education, services, information, and legislative advocacy, ensuring the opportunity for the highest quality public education for all children.
- Indiana School Nutrition Association
The mission of the Indiana School Nutrition Association is to provide education, programs and services for members which promote quality child nutrition.
- Indiana State Board of Accounts
We are dedicated to providing the citizens of the State of Indiana with complete confidence in the integrity and financial accountability of state and local government.
- National School Boards Association
Working with and through our state associations, NSBA advocates for equity and excellence in public education through school board leadership. We believe education is a civil right necessary to the dignity and freedom of the American people, and all children should have equal access to an education that maximizes his or her individual potential.
- OMNIA Partners
The leading national cooperative purchasing program, providing world-class government procurement resources and solutions to local and state government agencies, school districts (K-12), higher education institutions, and nonprofits looking for the best overall supplier government pricing.
- Public Employees’ Retirement Fund
Vision - To be a 100 percent funded public retirement system trusted and valued by stakeholders.
Mission - Efficiently collect necessary contributions, manage assets and pay earned benefits.
- Standard & Poor’s
In 28 countries around the world and a history that dates back more than 150 years, S&P Global Ratings provides high-quality market intelligence in the form of credit ratings, research, and thought leadership.
- Teacher’s Retirement Fund
Teacher's Retirement Fund resources and member forms.
- U.S. Department of Education
Our mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.